Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Taylor Hatala: The New Dance Youtube Superstar

Young and naturally talented, that is 11 year old girl named Taylor Hatala. She now becomes one of the most famous new born superstars since her biggest sensation was uploaded on Youtube. With more than six millions viewers, she has been successfully introducing herself to the world of how fluent, energetic and fierce she is in performing the hip hop dance. It started with a short video of under 2 minutes duration entitled All About That Bass, Taylor Hatala came up on the dancing cube with a professional choreographer, Matt Steffanina.


All the eyes suddenly give a shot right on this skinny legged preteen girl due to her fabulous dancing ability. This new phenomenon seems to urge Ellen DeGeneres to invite Taylor Hatala to perform on TV show. As reported by Huffington Post, Taylor has been sparing her time for at least 3 hours a day to practice with her private choreographer, and it sounds crazy for such a young little girl like Taylor to make it through for 7 days in a week. It's kind of amazing hard work to call up for a devotion on dance. It must be a tough moment for her to race in time and split between school and dance.

I saw her videos on Youtube and all are just stunning. It's so clearly seen that she moves with passion. First thing that might come to mind when you see Taylor Hatala is a hesitation to the 11 year old girl with skinny body that can do adults' moves in such a way. May be she's not yet a pro but she just moves too fast for the eyes to follow. Taylor Hatala can proof that she has the capability as a young hip hop dancer with the help from the professionals. Her parents always espouse her for whatever she needs to improve her dance skill. Once she told her parents that doing dance is more than just fun and hobby but it's something that makes her happy. Taylor hopes that someday she will become a professional solo dancer.

Some people might see her as the lucky girl who's widely known by the Youtube but I see that she has the guts to face all the negative words that come to her. It's been something great for her to have the chance to be blessed with a amazing skill and bravery to cheer the others. I really notice that Taylor is just like other ordinary preteen girls who need time to catch up with friends but it seems that her dancing activities quite cuff. However, she is standing on great line and it's going to come in vain if she just runs back from it.

I am so sure there's still many of young kids like Taylor Hatala who can dance as she does now. Unluckily, those talented young kids are just yet unpublished by media, and it's not a matter. For parents who have kids, it's really important to find out their kids' interest and facilitate their capabilities to be improved to something good.


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